Wednesday 12 January 2011

Starting over... deleting LDUs

It's January 2011 - happy new year, folks! I've decided that I will keep a blog - and I might as well use this one as it already exists.

Most recent news: is the deletion of the Learning Development Unit at London Met. I've written about this on the Student Learning and Teaching Network blog, the story has also been covered in the Times Higher and on the LDHEN jiscmail...

There is a small light on the horizon; we may keep a vestigial stump of LD provision within our Centre for Academic and Professional Development. This will be staff facing and will mainly concentrate on embedding LD provision within the curriculum. Excellent as this - and there is much evidence suggesting that the best learning and writing support does happen in the context of the teaching and learning that the student has to undertake - I hope that we also maintain something that is student facing - that can operate with and for students - and that can match THEIR needs.

I've always believed that whilst emancipatory practice is excellent in the curriculum, students also need to access advice, support and guidance from knowledgeable academics who are not marking their final assignments. Academics with whom it is safe to be honest about hopes and fears, doubts and problems...

But in the brave new world of a privatised HE - what space is there going to be for students within or outwith the curriculum?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you, Sandra - we also need to provide some kind of non-judgemental space where students can actively seek help, where they can come to us with their questions and concerns. Surely a student's own interest in their development is absolutely key to the success of anything we do - and to any real and lasting change in the student, so making it easy for them to come forward and contribute to shaping their own educational path seems essential.
    P.S. Great blog!
