Tuesday 4 October 2011

The AccessArt "Share-a-Story & Inspire an Artist" Competition

I'm using my blog to post about the Access Art story competition... I'm really intereted in developing creative and engaging teaching, learning and assessments - and this competition provides a real opportunity to bring all that together. Set entry as an assignment for your students... You know it makes sense.

The AccessArt "Share-a-Story & Inspire an Artist" Competition

To coincide with their 12th birthday, AccessArt is launching a brand new story writing competition aimed at both adults AND children:

"The "Share-a-Story & Inspire an Artist" competition is aimed at both adults AND children. We'd like to invite you to submit a children's short story. The story can be about ANYTHING, as long as you think it would appeal to children aged 5 to10, BUT it must be highly visual in the way that it's written.

The winning story will be used as the focus for The Matchbox Project, through which AccessArt will invite practising artists/illustrators and makers to illustrate YOUR short story. The winning story will really need to inspire the illustrators; so make your story line dazzle, your words spark visual fireworks, and your characters larger than life.

Once illustrated by a group of artists, you'll see your story shared online via the AccessArt site (www.accessart.org.uk), published as a pdf, and as a print-on-demand book (and of course you'll receive a copy!).

We welcome submissions from individuals (all ages) and from schools, writing groups, and other organisations.

Follow the guidelines!
* Remember, you don't need to illustrate the story - just write it!
* Stories should be no longer than 2000 words (and can be much shorter).
* Send your story by November 15th (by email: info@accessart.org.uk) or post: AccessArt, 6 West Street, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DS
* Please ensure you include your name, address, email, phone and age (if you are under 18)
* Schools: Teachers may send stories on behalf of groups/classes - if so please include contact details of a teacher.

About AccessArt

AccessArt is a UK Registered Charity which promotes visual arts learning through sharing resources, workshops, events and networking. You can access our resources aimed at teachers and practitioners at www.accessart.org.uk

Terms & Conditions

By entering this competition you agree:

* That the story was written by the person whose name is on the entry, and that that person as author has intellectual property right of the work.
* That the story was written for the purpose of this competition, or if the story was written previously, the author confirms that the story is otherwise unpublished.
* That AccessArt can use the story, if it wins, as the focus for The Matchbox Project. The finished, illustrated story will be published as AccessArt sees fit, and this may include online, pdf, print on demand, and published print.
* Any income from sales of print on demand/pdf/published book, if they arise, will be donated to AccessArt Registered Charity 1105049
* The author will be credited in any publication: online or printed.

Very best regards

Paula Briggs


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