Wednesday 27 February 2013

#EDCMOOC Week Five: The Assessment!!

Quick intro:
This post begins with the assessment and link to my artefact. I link to some online tools that others can use to make their own… and also share some of the resources produced by other MOOCers and a link to those produced by the students on the MSc in E-Learning and Digital Cultures. Finally I have put links to all the videos and readings that we have had access to over the duration of this brilliant short course – just in case you want to see for yourself how you might build your own MOOC.

You are joking? Produce a digital artefact - me?!
It has to combine at least text and images… And it will be peer reviewed. Also - each of us will be required to review three artefacts against the criteria set for the course – writing 250 words saying how and why the artefact has done so…

There was a little flurry from some MOOCers worried that any old person was going to mark their work. But I’d been in the FaceBook group since November and had only been impressed by the quality and calibre and commitment of my fellow MOOCers – so have no worries on that front. (Of course, if I get a low mark that will change toot sweet!)

There was also some concern – not least from the not very techie people like me – about how to make an artefact – and just how artefacty it had to be … Did it have to have text, pictures, music – and oh god no – movement – please not movement! And what about interaction? Or clever cutting and editing tricks with online tools that I have not yet heard of?!

Thank goodness that my old mate Andy Mitchell was also taking this MOOC and he helped by giving me critical feedback on my first draft (“I must say I’m really disappointed…” I think Andy missed his true calling as a diplomat!) – and by helping with some of the technical bits. I am not content that I still have to reach out for technical support – so am playing with the idea of doing the whole MOOC again – but next time focussing on tools rather than the content…

Online tools
Talking of tools - we were told that there were several online tools that we could use to make our artefacts:
Google Sites:
or any blog, web space or wiki site …
More ideas: ‘50+ web 2.0 ways to tell a story’:

Other possibly useful resources:

*** In space no one can hear you scream!! ***

Here’s one I made… 
I have been overwhelmed by the quality of the artefacts that I have been looking at this week – and slightly terrified that I must assess and give critical feedback to at least three made by any of the 44,000 people out there who are in this MOOC!... But anyway, here is my artefact:

And a short one Andy made in GoAnimate of some of my text:

And here are some cool examples from my classmates:
With apologies to all the other brilliant ones out there that I have not seen – or that I did see and forgot to copy and paste here…

Andy’s subversive one: (can you see what it is yet?)

Two-minute video: Log In:

Fran Monaghan’s VoiceThread:

And June B’s blog plus vimeo artefact:  

The University Bog’s post and artefact:
Cathleen Nardi’s, Change your thoughts:

Amy’s Digital Life artefacts:
§         The video:

Responses to #EDCMOOC by MSc students:

**** How lucky we have all been to be in such a wonderful immersive and creative MOOC with fellow travellers who were all prepared to give so much and do so much. If you want to see what inspired us – there follows links to the four weekly topics and the viewings and readings that we were asked to do. ****

Course Materials
Week one – four
I did not put the full links to the videos and readings in all my #EDCMOOC blogs – so this post offers a quick summary for those who might be interested – and for me when I re-visit this part of my blog to be inspired all over again:

Week 1: Dystopias 
Film 1: Bendito Machine III (6:35): Watch on YouTube 
Film 3: Thursday (7:34): Watch on YouTube 
Film 4: New Media (2:21): Watch on Vimeo

The readings:
This covers the arguments in the set text (the journal version) – but for me it is more cogent, punchy and powerful – and it has more passion. It also discusses notions of ‘education’ versus ‘training’. Love it! And it influenced our: ‘A journey into silence: students, stakeholders and the impact of a strategic Governmental Policy Document in the UK’ in Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 5 No. 4, 2009 pp 566-574 – which critiqued the UK govt e-learning policy – and which at some point I shall shamelessly plunder for a blog post!

Useful as a primer with students interested in Sociology or sociological perspectives…

Reading Dahlberg:
Liked the introduction and references to the Frankfurt School & kulturkritik … pessimism and focus on high culture, Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, oppositional politics and popular culture (Kelnner 97) and Audience reception theory – Fiske (1987) and polysemy – drawing on Barthes = a text when read… More to follow.

Daniel, J. (2002). Technology is the Answer: What was the Question? Speech from Higher Education in the Middle East and North Africa, Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe, 27-29 May 2002.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9/5.,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf

Wesch, M. (2007). The Machine is Us/ing Us? (4:33): Watch on YouTube 

Week 2: Utopias:
Film 1: A Day Made of Glass 2. (5:58): Watch on YouTube

Film 2: Productivity Future Vision (6:17): Watch on YouTube

Film 3: Sight (7:50): Watch on Vimeo

Film 4: Charlie 13 (14:20): 
(optional) Film 5: Plurality (14:14): Watch on YouTube
Ideas and interpretations
Johnston, R (2009) Salvation or destruction: metaphors of the internet. First Monday,

Newitz, A. (2011): Social media is science fiction. Google I/O conference, 10-11 May 2011, San Francisco: Watch on YouTube 

Bleecker, J. (2006). A manifesto for networked objects — Cohabiting with pigeons, arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things.

Perspectives on education
Shirky, C. (2012). Napster, Udacity and the academy., 12 November 2012. 

Bady, A. (2012). Questioning Clay Shirky. Inside Higher Ed, 6 December 2012.

Campbell, Gardner (2012). Ecologies of Yearning. Keynote at Open Ed '12, October 16, 2012, Vancouver BC. (63:19): Watch on YouTube 

Optional extra material for this lecture:

Audrey Watters’ Storify notes: 

Richard Sebastian’s blog post: 

And there’s more....
If you want to dig deeper into how the media is representing the emergence of MOOCs, and continue your hunt for metaphors, we recommend these two pieces. The comments on both are also worth exploring. What metaphors can you identify in these, and how are they operating to position MOOCs? 

Anderson, N. (2012). Elite education for the masses. The Washington Post, 4 November 2012. 

Carr, N. (2012). The Crisis in Higher Education. MIT Technology Review,

Week 3 – We’re all post-human now…
Film 1: Toyota GT86: the ‘real deal’ advert (1:01): Watch on YouTube
Film 2: BT: heart to heart advert (0:40): Watch on YouTube
Film 3: World builder (9:16): Watch on YouTube 
Film 4: They’re made out of meat (7:20): Watch on YouTube
Ideas and interpretations

Badmington, Neil (2000) Introduction: approaching posthumanism.Posthumanism. Houndmills; New York: Palgrave.
Perspectives on education
Kolowich, S (2010) The Human Element. Inside Higher Ed:

Monke, L (2004) The Human Touch, EducationNext:

And this went to the Disrupting HE Symposium, Dublin, Feb 2013:

Week 4 – Post-  & Trans-human
Film 1: Robbie (8:45): Watch on Vimeo
Film 2: Gumdrop (8:05): Watch on YouTube
Film 3: True Skin (6:12): Watch on Vimeo 
Film 4: Avatar Days (3:54): Watch on YouTube
Ideas and interpretations
Bostrom (2005) ‘Transhumanist values’ reproduced from Review of Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 4, May (2005):

Hayles, N K (2011) Wrestling with transhumanism:
Perspectives on education
System upgrade: realising the vision for UK education (2012) EPSRC Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme:
(The link is to a taster document for the full report, which you will find

Carr, M. (2008) Is Google making us stupid?

 CODA: We all blogged our responses each week - and read and commented on the blogs... Many engaged in the Forums set up by the course itself - and there were two Google Hangouts with the tutors. Many of the MOOCers held tweetchats - with thousands of tweets posted... I can't imagine it being any better! 


  1. Thanks Sandra. I liked the video. Great representation and summary of the course.

  2. Hi Sandra
    Sorry for "dropping off the planet" these last few weeks - illness and family have kept me offline. I love your video, and also the terrific way you've collated and shared the content of the course and final artefacts. Amazing stuff!
    My artefact is here:

  3. Neat video...and the visualization and concept of learning as a shipwrecked shore was powerful!

    Link back to my blog and check out my artifact. :-)

  4. Nice work, Sandra.

    I'm fascinated about the posthuman aspect of virtual worlds like SecondLife, and I think they are under-exploited in education.

    I also agree with Britt that the visualization of learning as a shipwrecked shore is powerful. I so wanted to get in there and explore the wreckage!

